Monday, January 3, 2011

COURAGE... Is Fear Turned Inside Out!

“Remember, you can know much about Love, but that cannot help to know Love. Love can be known only by Loving. It means you have to move into Love without knowing anything about it. That’s why it needs Courage. You have to move in the dark, with no map, nobody to guide, not even a torch. You have to move in the dark not knowing where you are moving, not knowing whether you are on the right track or not, not knowing whether you will find the path or you will fall in a ditch and be lost forever. This is the courage.” ~ Osho

I’m very big on quotes, poems, essays; pretty much words that Inspire, Motivate and Move me. One of the most renowned Spiritual Writers that I have started to grow very fond of is Osho Rajneesh. I have been reading many of his quotes, and as you will notice in the upcoming blogs, I will definitely be quoting many of his words.

Courage?! What does that word mean?


–noun 1. the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery. 2. Obsolete . the heart as the source of emotion.

3.have the courage of one's convictions, to act in accordance with one's beliefs, esp. in spite of criticism.

Many will have their own definition of what Courage truly is. For me, I believe Courage is an attribute that many of Us have and sometimes we don’t tap into as much as we know we could.

There are many several different types and several different ways to convey courage. Moral courage is something that happens within us, when one takes initiative to succeed when no one else will. Physical courage is an action that one can see and experience for themselves inside and out. In someone’s lifetime at one point or another some type of courage will affect them. This can possibly be a negative or positive experience depending on how that person takes responsibility of the outcome.

Courage is when you go out on your first date and don’t know if that other person would want to kiss you; you do it anyways because you don’t want to ask yourself the ‘what ifs’ when you get back to your car.
Courage is requesting for that pay raise, when you know you are worthy of it.
Courage is a friend in disguise, because when everyone walks out, you are the one who remains standing.
Courage is raising your hand in class, to ask that question that everyone is dying to ask but can’t find the Courage, only you can.
Courage is risking, and not knowing what’s ahead, but the Journey is far more Beautiful then the destination.
Courage is walking on those skinny branches, with your head held high.
Courage is fear turned inside out.
Courage is saying “I love you,” not because you Love me, but because I…! LOVE...! YOU…! Period!

Everyone who Loves Freely and Unconditionally will Live Courageously. It takes Courage to Love! Courage is already in Us, so what are You waiting for? Tap into Your Courage and I promise You, Your Life as You know it will be altered Forever!

 I LOVE YOU! Special.K.


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